Studio Info

Proper dancewear preferred. This includes leotards and tights, dance shorts or dance tops. Regular clothes or baggy clothing are not allowed. Hair must be pulled back in a pony tail or bun if possible. Make sure taps for younger dancers have elastic, not ribbons. Please tie and cut the elastic on ballet shoes... no ribbons. Tap and jazz shoes may be tan or black, slip on preferred. Hip hop students may wear comfortable clothing and athletic shoes. Students not dressed properly will not be permitted to dance.
**Seven years or older are to wear black leotards and pink tights for ballet classes, unless otherwise specified by their teacher.
We operate on the same holiday and break schedule as the Ocean Springs School District. We WILL have dance on teacher work days.
TUITION IS DUE BY THE 10TH OF EACH MONTH! We accepts cash, check, or credit card. Make checks payable to Donna's Visual and Performing Arts Studio. Please include your dancer's name on the check. There is a $10 charge for NSF checks. If you send cash, please put it in an envelope with the student's name on it. Please pay promptly, There is a $10 late fee for tuition received more that 30 days after the 10th.
Rehearsals are usually held during the last week in May. Costumes will be ordered and ready made. Dancers will be measured in December and. will be ordered over Christmas break. A $50 deposit, per costume, is required by the 15th of December. You may begin paying on these deposits as early as you like. Costume deposits are non-refundable. You will begin to receive recital information in November. An $85 recital fee is required for each child and due by March 15th. If costume alterations must be made, it is the responsibility of the student and his/her family to make those arrangements and provide payment.
**Feel free to come in and ask questions anytime! Ms. Kathie and the teachers are always ready to help!